Saturday, December 22, 2012


I have finished the first 12 week session of Transitions Lifestyle Systems!

I have lost 55 pounds!
I have lost 6 inches on my waist!
I have lost the vision of The Fat Guy that has haunted me all my life!

I have gained energy.
I have gained a positive self image!
I have gained a new style of eating!
I have gained the confidence that I will continue this health beyond the completion of of my goal (loosing 186 pounds) and on through the rest of my life!

(And we have gained over $3000 for Swamp Meadow or The Acoaxet Chapel!)

Thank you God for the health and the original vision,

Thank you Karen for the renewed vision of being fit and healthy!
Thank you all of you for the support and love to keep me going!

I am taking two weeks off for Christmas (maintaining my current level of health.)
Then I will be starting the program over 
(with what I have already learned and gained)
on January 4. 2013
on my way to being healthy enough
to play vigorously with my future grandchildren!


All my life, I have seen myself as A Fat Guy!

It was definitely affirmed
when I had to start shopping in the "Husky" Department at Sears when I was 8.

Even in college,
when I weighed 175 pounds and was running 5 miles a day,
I knew I was really just "The Fat Guy"
who was trying to fool the girls so he could get a date!


Well, yesterday, the Greatest Thing Happened!
I looked in the mirror and could not see The Fat Guy!
He's Gone!

(I still have 140 pounds more on my body than what I want.
I still have fat - too much of it - on my body.)

I see A Fit Guy
who is working to get his body to fit the vision that he now sees!

I was successful at making my body fit the vision of The Fat Guy.
I will be equally successful now that I see THE FIT GUY!


Had to go back with my mom to Watkins Glen, NY this week
for my Uncle's Funeral.

The ride up was fine, because I was well prepared 
with my lettuce, nuts, vegetables, meat and no empty carbs!
We stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.
Woke up in the morning and went to the complimentary express breakfast.

Not too bad.  Did have the powdered egg omelette and bacon
and did taste about a quarter of the irresistible cinnamon bun.
Also had two yogurts.  (So a little off my plan.)

Then after the funeral, I ate at the funeral buffet table,
which ended up being leftover carbs from thanksgiving.

Even the turkey was soaked in gravy or mushed in stuffing.
I did the best I could, but was carb loaded for that meal.

When we got in the car to head home, 
I had the overwhelming urge to eat Romaine Lettuce!

I shoved six leafs of lettuce in my mouth 
as ravenously as I used to stuff cookies!
My body was crying out,
"I need lettuce!  I gotta have some lettuce!"

I was so happy!
Never in my life have I craved lettuce!

Something good is happening!